Strategic Planning Season And The Future Of Your Company

The fourth quarter is always when I like to focus on strategic plans for the future of a company. It's that time to pull your leadership team together, bring your coaches and consultants together, whatever that's looking like for you, and take a half a day maybe longer and think about strategically planning what the future of your company is now.

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Strategic Planning Season

Welcome to November, or, as I like to call this time of year, the strategic planning season. Strategic plans can start as early as September or October and should be in full swing during November. Please try to complete them by December so you can go into 2025 with a fully realized Strategic Plan, Tactical Plan, and Team Plan.

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Puglia Memories: Can You Make a 4th Generation Business Profitable for All the Siblings

In a fourth-generation business with five siblings, how do you scale for growth and make it profitable enough for all? 

Vito Dicecca, the innovative cheesemaker from Altamura, Italy, has a solution: “Never rest on past success; travel extensively to learn how other cheesemakers experiment with new ideas, and keep your brothers and sisters happy to work in the family business by doing what they love.”

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The Key To Stepping Away From Your Business Is To Have A Great Team

This is my first week back after a 10 day vacation, which was absolutely amazing and fabulous, going through Italy seeing sites. I actually connected with a variety of different family businesses! I learned so so much and had a great time. There were some personal things that went on in my personal life in September that had me unexpectedly stepping out and taking more time off than I ever imagined. How could I run a business?

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Fourth Quarter Planning -The Home Stretch of 2024

How do you prepare for what is traditionally called the back-to-school period -- or, the Fourth Quarter? I see it as the home stretch - stretching for the rest of the year, revisiting, and building on how to realign goals. What intentions have you set up and, importantly, what are your deadlines to reach those goals?

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