Growth Vs Comfort

In 2024’s first Slater Success blog , I discussed how to set intentions or goals by examining how to move forward with three issues:

1.      What has worked well for your business in the past 12 months?

2.      What is NOT working, and why not?

3.      Be open to embracing what you can learn and grow from.

I recently shared my Authority Magazine interview on LinkedIn about Succession Planning. I titled it "Be Open to New and Innovative Ideas, Especially Those That Make You Uncomfortable."

When it comes to growth versus our comfort zone, we need a bit of both. Our comfort zone is where our routines are, and the systems we create within our routines are essential. Yet, if we do not push our boundaries and push ourselves to lead outside our comfort zones, we are limiting ourselves and our businesses in possibility. As we approach the 2024 business year, let's step out of our comfort zones.

First, let’s expose comfort zones for what they are:

·         Comfort zones may give a feeling of safety and predictability, but they can also …

o   thwart innovation, growth, and success, and

o   hold us back from achieving personal and professional growth.

It is common to avoid taking risks or exploring innovative strategies when stuck in a familiar routine. However, successful business leaders and entrepreneurs should realize the importance of pushing beyond these boundaries. It can make a significant difference between staying stagnant and achieving massive success.

In an interview with Authority Magazine, I shared that I regularly and consistently lead from an "uncomfortable" zone. You can see that everything I do is outside my comfort zone. Here are a few examples: 

  • I recently attended three networking events. Before I walk into any networking event, I stand outside and take a couple of deep breaths. I am a true introvert; yes, it surprises many, but it truly is who I am. Talking to new people is wonderful for business development, yet it is NOT COMFORTABLE OR EASY for me. This is how business is done, and I’ve learned to do it well … as long as I take that breath before I walk into the room.  

  • Another example for me is the weekly task of handling my company’s finances. Internally, I call it “Money Monday” and “Financial Friday.” You’ve got to pay your bills. You have to look at your receivables. You have to know your cash flow. I have been running a business for over 30 years, and I have developed my own system and routine, which is crucial for the success of my business. I work closely with all my clients to ensure they have similar systems in place in their organizations. Again, this is not my comfort zone. Like any other business owner, I would rather focus on the work and not worry about the finances. However, I understand that keeping track of finances is essential for running a business, and I do it consistently, even though it can sometimes feel like a chore.

 Here, then, are ten tips for how to leave your comfort zone. 

1.      Why leave your comfort zone?

If your business is going okay, why not just keep doing what’s working? Because real growth happens when you step outside your own zone.  Brian Tracy, the motivational speaker, says:

“You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” 

2.      Overcome Your Fears

Don't let the fear of failure limit your potential. Embrace your fears and know that every misstep is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger. 

3.      Power of Positivity

Adopt an optimistic mindset and see adversity as an opportunity to learn and grow. 

4.      Embrace Digital Technology

A good way for entrepreneurs to break out of their comfort zones is to overcome their fears by experimenting with new things, such as embracing digital technology trends. Embracing digital technology provides efficient tools to plan, assess, and monitor data for accurate strategic growth planning. 

5.      Get Comfortable With the Uncomfortable

Comfort zones are abstract concepts that exist only within our minds. As humans, we can control how far we push our boundaries. Training our brains to expect new ideas and react sensibly to their highs and lows is essential. 

6.      Be a Change Agent

Enhance your critical thinking and decision-making skills by exploring new ideas to handle unexpected situations. 

7.      Learn New Things

Learning something new is an excellent way to leave your comfort zone. Whether you know any skill, craft, or sport, you'll lose all your ego when you're back at the beginner level, and it can be humbling. Absolute failure is not trying, but learning to take risks shows you care about growth and getting out of your comfort zone. 

8.      Don’t Be a Control Freak

The best way to get out of your comfort zone is to feel comfortable not being in control. Train yourself to think it's okay to step out of your comfort zone and do something you can't fully control. For example, try taking a ride on a roller coaster! 

9.      Focus on the End-Benefits

The best way to break out of your comfort zone is to concentrate on the advantages you'll gain by exploring new ideas. If you succeed, you'll unlock your potential and achieve your objectives. If you fail, you'll grow, learn, and improve. 

10.  Seek Out New Perspectives

Spend time with people who tend to do things you would not normally do. Listen to their stories about doing things they have done that make you fearful, and ask them about what drives them to want to do these things. It can be easy to think of things only from your point of view, but if you take in the energy of those different from yourself, you can see things from new perspectives. 

One final thought from Harvard Summer School about leaving your comfort zone:

Expand Your World: ”Stepping out of your comfort zone means learning new things, meeting new people, seeing new places, and trying new experiences. All of these can serve to help expand your awareness of the world and how you fit into it.” 

Tell me about when you stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something new. What new skills or knowledge have you acquired lately? Please know that I am with you. As for me, I recently played pickleball with some experienced friends who taught me how to get to the ball and make it a part of my new fun activities.


Ready to Transform Your Business Strategy? 

Connect with Slater Success today to explore stepping out of your comfort zone. Together, we'll harvest the power of creative ideas and inspiration for your business's success. 

No matter what industry you are in, our expertise can guide you towards expanding your business by year-end and for every year to come. Let's collaborate to cultivate innovation, foster customer connections, and set your business to continuous success.



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