The Culture Piece of Succession Planning and Legacy
Recently, we have been talking about the importance of succession planning and legacy and what you leave behind in the companies you're part of, and it very often comes down to culture.
So I thought I'd take a minute and look at and share with you a little bit of Slater's Success's culture and how we operate, as an example.
One, it's very, very clear what the core values of Slater Success are, and this has been aligned with the core values of Ivy Slater and every company I have run for the past 30 years, whether it be Slater Success or Slater Graphics: the key values of responsibility, integrity, honesty, and communication.
There are a couple more, but those are the ones that always come to mind.
Respect is highly important to me. I will not work with people who I don't respect, and I will not, not be respected by people.
I have eliminated vendors in my early years in Slater Graphics who I did not feel respected by or I did not have respect for in the way they did business.
That's a key.
Another is communication. It is so easy to rely on Slack and teams and emails and texts and WhatsApp and so much more in communication. But I always say when hacking or typing at somebody, we miss a piece.
Of course, we do. We miss tone; we miss reference. So you have an opportunity to be misinterpreted that could really throw your communication off impact, respect, integrity, and honesty.
When in doubt, don't hesitate to schedule even that 10-minute connect call and actually talk to somebody. Do something a little bit in the old fashioned way. It really carries a lot of impact.
Lastly, I want to mention that I was just at Ramon Ray's event.
Because I've been going to Ramon's events for probably a dozen years now. He always shows up top-notch with key speakers, key information, wonderful people in the network. When we do that, I know I'm going to show up, work with somebody, and be part of something that has value.
I use the same sense of culture in my decision making about where I'm going and who I'm connecting with.
Hope today's video was helpful! If you have any questions, always feel free to reach out to me.