How to Handle Tough Decisions

I’ll answer all my emails and proof those documents on the plane.

No Wi-Fi on two different flights. 

I’ll pay all my bills and get my finances rectified before I travel.

Didn’t get my Money Monday practice in before my vacation and came across an error. 

I’ll just make this latte real quick before my Zoom meeting.

Spilled latte all over the kitchen floor, didn’t have time to clean it up, no coffee, a sticky mess.

We all have days when things just don’t go our way. It’s normal and while frustrating, we have choices on how we react.

We can sit in the struggle or we can do what we CAN do. 

I wrote drafts of all the emails I was going to respond to so I could send them as soon as I had Internet.

I had a team member assist me with the accounting error so it wouldn’t sit stagnant while I was away.

I laughed about the latte and it gave me a good excuse to do a deep clean in the kitchen anyway. 

Show up and make it work.  

In business, we are thrown for a loop often. 

When faced with a challenging decision or unexpected event, stay calm and don’t act out of anger or fear. No one expects an immediate response. Give yourself a moment. Even if you are in-person. You can always take a pause. 

Sit with the issue or question and determine how to take the best action step forward.

When you have a clear head, you make better and more informed decisions. 

So, if you need to step outside and take a walk or get some air, do a quick breathing exercise, call a support system, research something, etc. - do what you CAN. 

Almost every situation can be looked at as a learning lesson. You will grow from the tough times and you will get better and stronger in how you handle that next tough time. I often laugh and say I should write a book about all the challenging times and difficult decisions that have led me to the place I am today. I embrace more patience when challenged so I can come to the decisions with a clear head. 

Do what you CAN do. It’s simple, it’s easy, it works. I’ve been living this concept for decades and it’s never steered me wrong. 

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