How Are You Giving Back?

Giving back.

This is a vital value of Slater Success, not only during the holiday season, but the entire year.


All month on the podcast and on our LinkedIn Live shows, we are bringing awareness to nonprofits and featuring guests from many different organizations doing amazing work in the world. 

We are thrilled to highlight more organizations than ever and spread the word about how everyone can learn more, get involved and help out.

Tune in wherever you listen to podcasts or visit Her Success Story here and be sure to check out the past few years of nonprofit interviews, as well. 

The holidays are about giving and receiving. 

While getting a gift is always fun, it’s a lot more fulfilling to give one, isn’t it? 

Seeing someone’s face light up when you get them something special or unexpected can make your entire day. There’s really no better feeling. 

How are you giving back this year in addition to giving gifts to family and friends? 

I encourage you to think about how you can give back in big ways to organizations that really need the help. It could be with your time, your talents or your financial contributions.

Can you volunteer on a weekend? This could be a great family activity, too. A perfect way to get your younger children excited about helping and giving back. 

Can you offer a free course or webinar? Share your expertise and do what you love. 

Can you attend a gala or benefit? Support a great cause and meet new people. Many organizations are even doing virtual events this year.

Can you spread the word? Simply sharing a post on social media or telling a friend about a charity you support can make a huge difference. 

We all have the power to help in some way. 

We all have the power to be a resource for others. 

Let me know if there are any organizations you support and love that we should highlight next year! 

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