Goals Create Results, Do Resolutions?

We all do it. We make New Year’s resolutions, with a lot of hope and eagerness we can stick to new habits. More than 80% of resolutions fail. 

A resolution is an idea. It’s something you want, but it’s also something very difficult for you. It might be eating healthier, exercising more, spending less time on social media, quitting smoking, etc. It mostly stems from something negative in your life, that you are trying to improve. 

Goals Get Results, Do Resolutions?

You often haven’t planned out how you will actually conquer the resolution. You make a list, or you tell it to a friend, but you don’t specifically put actions into place for success.

How will you spend less time on social media?
Why will you suddenly start exercising more? 

A goal is something you want, it tends to be more positive, and you know how you are going to get there. It’s specific. There is an inner commitment and, most importantly, you create a plan with steps. 

For business, our goals usually include more money, more clients, more time. 

If you want to make more money, what steps do you need to take to make that happen? 

  1. Write down how much more money you want to make.

  2. Who do you need to hire to support you in this growth?

  3. Review your prices structure and evaluate if prices are ready to increase.

  4. What are you selling, are there new services or products you are creating? 

  5. How will you fill those with clients? 

And so on and so forth.  

A resolution can also be turned into a goal if you create a plan of action around it. If it’s spending less time on social media, make a list to support it.

  1. Remove the apps from my phone.

  2. Only look at social media on the computer during lunch break.

  3. Turn off notifications while I am working, so I don’t check them.

  4. Ask others to join me in the social media break for some companionship. 

This is the first week of work in 2021. This is a new year with new possibilities. What have you done to prep? What more can you do? How can I help? Reach out. And cheers to your goals!

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