I Learned A Lot When I Wasn't Expecting To

My daughter, Alex, and I had a busy weekend of wedding planning and I had three major takeaways from some of our interactions. 

I wanted to share those and how they can apply directly to your business…

I Learned A Lot When I Wasn't Expecting To

The Value of Story

On one of our stops we were chatting with the business owner and she told us her business story. Her family wasn’t very supportive of her choice to open this business, but her husband was supportive. She talked about her background, how her family emigrated here, the expectation for education and being a professional in the future. Yet, her dream was different and she became a successful entrepreneur. It was wonderful to hear how her husband believed in her and she shared her story openly, with beauty to it.  It was such a great way to connect and really learn about the passion behind her business. Your story is valuable and unique to you and a strong marketing tool. Share it. It makes an impact and will inspire others.

Always be Networking

I was wearing a mask with my husband's company logo on it, which led to a conversation when someone asked me a question about it. This led to another conversation with someone else in the place of business that just happened to be there the same time we were. Opportunity is everywhere. Be open to speaking to people (even through a mask) and see how you might be of service to one another.

Vision Can, and SHOULD, Shift

Alex had a vision for what her hair and makeup would look like for the big day and we scheduled a trial. She tried a few different styles and it was not the original vision that was the ultimate choice. Vision can change, shift and grow. At times, someone else sees the vision before you do, or once you start taking action and see the results you gain insight and your vision shifts. The important piece is visions turn to success when you stay in action, make decisions and are always working toward your end goals.  

Being on the other side of the sale was really fun for me. Actually being in person safely, versus on Zoom where we have planned most of the wedding, was great. 

Usually, I am the one selling a service, or coaching and training my clients around sales. I enjoyed watching others in their element, learning about their industries and seeing their sales processes.

Instead of sending contracts, I was signing them. I read through Covid clauses and was so interested to see how these owners are dealing with the pandemic. 

I didn’t get any “work” done this weekend, working would have been easier and less exhausting and my true belief is family time trumps work ALWAYS. Be in touch and live by your values. I feel like I learned a lot. I met a lot of great people, I got to spend quality time with my daughter and it felt really good to plan for an event in the future. 

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