Instead of making resolutions, try building…
It’s likely that most all of us are settled back into the office and have started the NEW DECADE with excitement and confidence as we work on our New Year's resolutions.
New Year's resolutions are always top of mind this time of year. But instead of committing to something you aren’t really sure you will do, why not commit to simply taking action and building habits!
If you have a goal to grow your client base by 3 new people a month and you only close 2, you’ll feel you have failed. Which is SO untrue. Celebrate what you have accomplished, in getting into the habit of celebrating the small things, the baby steps we have the ability to accomplish huge goals.
Speaking of habits, when looking to achieve all your goals, look at the steps you need to take in the process. For example in expanding you clients base you can make sure you are engaged in a couple of different networking groups and attending their functions. The habits do not stop there! Showing up to network and give out business cards will not necessarily move you towards your goal. Blocking out the time to truly get to know people in your networking group and create strong relationships with these people is a habit that will bring you long term achievement and success.
Instead, set a goal to bring on new clients by taking actions! Like attending a new networking event every quarter or asking colleagues for referrals. Get in the habit of taking actions and watch goals be met with more ease.
Where do you pull your motivation from? For me, I’m an organizer. When I sit down and calendar out my year, it really helps me see the vision for the company, as well as what I want in my personal life. I also hold a team retreat with my support staff (it’s coming up in a few weeks) and we talk about the year ahead, set deadlines, assign tasks, and create the action steps to work on our plans. And believe me, we have many!
I was chatting with my team, and Starr mentioned she loves spreadsheets and checking off to-do boxes. She likes to see her projects laid out, digitally, and tick off the work that’s been done!
Tara on my team prefers to write out her tasks on pen and paper. Both cross off their tasks when done. One is a digital check, one is with a pen.
I share this because there is something about accomplishing a task that feels great. That feeling of crossing it off is a great one. When you take action and build habits, you get to cross a lot off your list, and really see all the work you are doing toward your goals. My habit is to write the list, yes I am traditional, and then calendar it into my schedule so I am blocking out the time to do these action items works for me.
You’ve already set goals for 2020 or you will very soon. Write them down, figure out what you are working on, what you are delegating to your team, when you will review your process, why something is or isn’t working and make plans to celebrate when the goal becomes a reality.
My best advice...BREATHE.
Take time to meditate or do a gratitude practice, anything that helps you stay centered and focused. Even if it’s taking an afternoon off or planning a trip to get away.
2020 is a leap year. That is a sign. This your year to take a leap. Fulfill a dream. I’d love to know the plans you have for this decade and especially the actions you plan to take.